Childhood Development

Your child may receive any one or a combination of the following immunizations at their preventive care visit that are recommended by the ACIP and American Academy of Pediatrics. Some of the vaccines are listed below along with other important information.

Hepatitis B Vaccine(HBV)Hepatitis B

Inactivated Polio Vaccine(IPV)Polio

Strep Pneumonia meningitis vaccine(Prevnar)Pneumococcal Disease

DtaPDiphtheria Tetanus Acellular Pertussis Vaccine


Hib VaccineHaemophilus Influenzae

MMR VaccineMeasles Mumps Rubella

Chickenpox VaccineVaricella

GardasilHuman Papilloma Virus (vaccine for girls).

  • Well-Baby check-ups should be scheduled at 2 weeks, 2 months, 4 months, 6months, 9 months, 12 months, 18 months and 2 years. Thereafter, well-child preventative visits are recommended annually.
  • Beginning at 2 months of age, immunizations are evaluated at each well-child appointment.
  • Please bring your child’s immunization record to each well-child appointment so it can be updated as needed.

* Allergy shots are available during regular office hours Monday through Friday.
* Keep in mind that patients are required to stay in the clinic for 30 minutes following each injection.

  • Occasionally, the doctor will need a lab test to verify the best course of treatment for your child.
  •  In the event that you visit the clinic in order to drop off a specimen or to have a specimen collected, a minimum office call will be charged.
  •  You will be notified of any lab results which are not within normal limits.
  • Some specimens are sent to an outside lab. You will receive a bill from the lab for work. done by them.
  • If you feel your child has a medical problem that cannot wait until regular office hours, please call (360) 748-6693 to speak with our answering service.
  • Our providers are on call 24 hours a day.
  • Thank you for choosing Chehalis Children’s Clinic for your child’s care!

* Remember to visit our Facebook page!

We look forward to your visit with us!

Childhood Preventative Visits

  • * Regular office hours are  9:00 a.m. to approximately 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays.
    * We will begin answering phones at 8:00 a.m. for appointments.
    * Extended office hours are Saturday and Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for urgent care appointments  
    * We ask that you make appointments in advance so that we can provide time for every patient. If you need to cancel your appointment, please make sure to call to cancel as soon as possible. If you do not cancel or keep your appointment two times or more, you may be dismissed from the clinic care. Please be aware that a missed appointment could have been utilized for someone else.

Welcome! Please take a look at our Patient Forms page where New Patient Forms are located and can be downloaded or printed for you to bring to your first appointment. You may also send them to us at contact@ccckids370

*Yes. Please call the office prior to your appointment to verify that we contract with your insurance company.
* When you have insurance, please provide us with your group and subscriber numbers at each visit.